Missing your Friends or Family Right Now? Host a Virtual Party!

Host a virtual party to reconnect with friends.

It’s no secret that with social distancing and quarantines it’s been tough to spend time with friends and family. Many are now balancing the impossible task of working from home, keeping kids engaged without the normal escapes we’ve grown accustomed to. 

It’s important to our mental health to stay connected with friends to share stories, laugh and most importantly realize you aren’t alone. Hosting a video call with services like Zoom can help to re-connect and you can use Invitd to send out invites!

Here are a few quick tips to making this a success:

First of all, do it!

Your friends would love a chance to escape reality and re-connect. It might be new or awkward to plan an online event but everyone needs it. Be the one in your group to make it happen!

Schedule a Specific Day and Time

We’re all overwhelmed at the moment so it can be tough to set aside time to connect with friends. Setting and communicating a set time for a call at least a few days in advance will help everyone get in the right mindset and clear their schedule.

Missing adult time? Schedule the call after the kids normally go to bed. 

Right now it can be tough to balance the needs of the family over personal time with friends. Try scheduling the call around 9:00pm local time after the day starts winding down so everyone can attend without guilt or interruption

Send a Reminder Before the Call

With everything going on it can be easy to be distracted and forget about the call. Be sure to send out a reminder 15-20 minutes before the call. With Invitd, you can do this by tapping on a guest in your guest list and tap “Text Reminder”.

Send a “Formal” Invitation with Invitd

While many party hosts have used Invitd to plan events like birthday parties, showers and more the app can easily be used to host an online event.

When creating an event:

  • First, schedule the call in Zoom or any other online video conference option.
  • Instead of entering a location address just type something like “Zoom Meeting”.
  • Add the Zoom meeting link on the “Settings” tab when creating an event.

Then, easily send out invitations via text message and track RSVPs directly in the app.

To make the invitation process for your virtual party run smoothly, download the Invitd app today!

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